Are Vision Insurance Premiums Tax Deductible?

Paying less taxes means more money in your pocket. Did you know that parts of your vision insurance and medical expenses actually qualify for tax deductions? Probably more than you think. But tax law is complicated and ever-changing. So, these tips are intended to help you be informed, not to advise you or take the place of a qualified tax expert.

Are vision insurance premiums tax deductible?

In some states vision insurance is filed as an insurance product and in other states it is not. Individually paid "health" insurance premiums would likely be tax deductible. Check with your state's tax laws to determine how they regulate vision insurance plan premiums. 

Medical Expenses Must Exceed 7.5% of Your AGI

Your adjusted gross income (AGI) is your income after it has been adjusted for deductions like student loan interest, child support payments, and contributions to your independent retirement account (IRA). The IRS requires that your itemized deductions must first exceed 7.5% of your AGI, before the expenses are deducted. 

Let’s say you make $40,000 per year, after accounting for the relevant adjustments mentioned above. To find out how much you would need in medical expenses to claim deductions, you would multiply that $40,000 by 0.075 (7.5%). This results in $3,000. That means if you had $5,000 in medical expenses this year (including trips to the eye doctor that were paid by you), then you could claim $2,000 as your deductible ($5,000 - $3,000). 

If this value exceeds the standard deduction, then it would make sense to itemize your deductions. Since the standard deduction is $12,950 and $25,900 for single taxpayers, head of household taxpayers, and married filing joint returns respectively, medical expenses alone are oftentimes not enough to justify making the switch to an itemized deduction. But if you were hospitalized, had major surgeries, receive ongoing treatments for a chronic condition, or covered the cumulative costs of a household in 2022, then it may be the best way to file. 

Other itemized deductions will also help bring you above the AGI percentage and standard deduction. Theft and casualty losses, state and local taxes, home mortgage interest (usually, the most significant if you are a homeowner), and charitable contributions all also qualify. 

Be aware that next year when you’re filing your taxes for 2022, the AGI limit may change all taxpayers (excluding retirees). 

Types of Vision Care, Dental Care, and Medical Expenses That Are Tax Deductible

To make things a little easier for you, here is a non-exhaustive list of vision, dental, and medical products, services, and expenses that are all considered deductible by the IRS. 


 - Payment of fees to eye doctors and optometrists

 - Reading or prescription eyeglasses

 - Contact lenses and all products to help maintain them (cases, cleaning solution, etc.)

 - Eye exams, including copays

 - Vision insurance premiums paid by you as an individual, in some states

Dental & Medical

 - Payment of fees to dentists

 - False teeth

 - Payment of fees to doctors, surgeons, psychiatrists, and all other medical professionals

 - Hospitalization for medical reasons

 - Addiction treatment

 - Medical testing

 - Fertility treatments

Visit the IRS website for the full list of deductible items. It is important to note that the IRS does not limit its definitions to the ones listed; many other expenses may also qualify, depending on the purpose of the expense. 

Medical Expenses to Leave Out of Your Itemization

While it is exciting to realize the full extent that your vision, dental, and other medical expenses might qualify for tax deductions, it is also just as important to be very clear where the IRS draws the line, and which products and services do not qualify for deduction. Again, here is a non-exhaustive list for you to reference and gain an understanding as to what the IRS does not consider a “medical expense” for tax purposes. 

 - Funeral and burial expenses

 - Non-prescription medicines (excluding insulin)

 - Teeth whitening

 - Activities your doctor recommends to improve general health, such as taking a trip or a new social hobby

 - Illegal treatments or substances

 - Nutritional supplements

 - Toothpaste and other toiletries

 - Non-prescription smoking cessation products (nicotine patches and gum)

 - Cosmetics and elective cosmetic surgery

Simply approach your deduction items with a practical mindset, good intentions, an IRS reference document, and potentially a tax consultant to avoid any unnecessary auditing in the future. 

What about LASIK surgery?

While you may have LASIK performed for medical reasons—namely, to improve your nearsightedness, farsightedness, or astigmatism—it is considered an elective surgery. There have been a number of cases, where individuals have claimed their laser surgery as a deductible item, especially when it was not covered by their vision insurance. 

Ultimately, reducing your taxes is as easy as listing items 1, 2, 3…and so on, until you surpass the sum of the standard deduction category that you are in. If you’re ever uncertain, refer back to the IRS 502 Publication, or even hire a tax consultant. They will be able to illuminate the most troublesome of tax categorization problems, and likely save you the most on your taxes. 

Learn More About Vision Insurance

Vision insurance is surprisingly affordable—and some associated costs potentially tax deductible, too! Learn more about how you can enroll in a VSP Individual Vision Plan today


VSP cannot and does not provide professional, financial, medical, or legal advice. Please consult with your financial advisor, and/or an attorney for advice. 

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Your way.

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